Make people's lives happy, vibrant, and fulfilling by using superb design to add value to daily life and by creating rich, expressive dwelling spaces.
Walls exist in the background. They do not assert themselves, but merely play a supporting role. However, by giving them a rich, attractive surface, walls express their individuality and bring buildings to life.
Since our founding in 1917, we have striven to give walls a surface that expresses a rich design aesthetic. As a manufacturer specializing in aesthetic architectural finish coatings, we develop high-value-added products that have their own personality.
The most outstanding features of our products are variegated color schemes achieved through subtle variations in color tonality, and their ability to evoke a sense of texture and depth. They overflow with a beauty that comes from their three-dimensional quality. When used on the surfaces of building walls, these products contribute to architectural spaces with outstanding design aesthetics.
Since developing and introducing CERASKIN (spray-on finish coating made from granulated ceramics) in 1956, we have developed a variety of finish coatings to match the changing needs of architecture and building designers. In 1985, products that use these ceramic aggregates were brought together under the Color Ceramics brand. Since then, we have developed many new and original products such as roller finish coatings, trowel-type finishing coatings, and in 1991, our Unex adhesive-bonded finishing material.
Using the wealth of know-how and technologies accumulated over more than 90 years, we have improved the Color Ceramics series of finish coatings. With its sophisticated design and emphasis on design aesthetics, the Color Ceramics series has become our core product line. The further expansion and evolution of these products will allow us to contribute to the creation of dwelling spaces that offer people a rich aesthetic, wherever the place and whatever the situation.
Yasushi Ueno, President